I've been away from the Interstates for a couple of days now as I ride diagonally across Texas towards New Mexico. I'm heading towards Carlsbad to have a look at the caverns, Roswell to see the aliens (yeah right) and over to White Sands proving ground to see what I can of the old Trinity site. I suspect that I will be out of luck on the trinity thing but you never know.
Well the cold spell has gone for a while – it was 85 degrees this afternoon and in general a nice days ride. The countryside is all farmland with scattered service towns, mostly in varying states of economic decline, and very little traffic. I did not see a lot of live stock but what there was were beef cattle and horses. Towards the end of the day oil wells made an appearance but most were still. I'm not sure whether they were dry or just not working on this day. Americans appear not to clean up their mess when they are done with things – they just walk away. So who knows.
I must add another food item to the never to be repeated list – chicken gizzards. No I kid you not. They were disgusting and why pray anyone would eat the raw material for fertilizer I don't know. Maybe it's a Texas thing.
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