For the past 2 days we have have traveled over 1,000 km on roads already traveled just to get past the fuel problems in Chile. We crossed back into Chile today and had hoped to make it to Puerto Montt but one of our group had serious bike problems so we are a couple of hundred K short. The bike may be terminal - we will see tomorrow. I suppose one good thing came from the detour which was I got to do the remaining portions of route 40. The loss is possibly missing the complete Austral highway and that is sad - it is one of the worlds must do trips.
Next day. The bike is terminal and is being shipped back to Santiago.
Our two groups have now formed one of seven bikes for the remainder of the trip - we started with 12. We hope to rescue what we can of the Austral over the next three days and then leg it for Valprasio in two long hops. The last bit should be easy because the Chilean toll roads are excellent.
This afternoon we were hanging around a flash hotel when I heard this American voice I thought I recognised - I did. It was Mark. I met him, his wife plus Stu and his wife in Alaska last year. We crossed paths 6 times last year and now again. He is a pilot so is here on work assignment not riding his bike. At lunch today our bike attracted a bit of a crowd - mainly West Coasters selling Moss to the Chileans. It's a small world.
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