A day from hell - it rained during the night and was bitterly cold and it was still cold and miserable in the morning. Headed towards Homer, which is a must see according to the Californian BMW lot, but I will never know. It hosed down and I could barely see ahead of the front wheel. Then my boots took in water. I got as far as Anchor Point, the most westerly point by road in the US and went no further. It was just to miserable. The weather improved heading north but it was still cold and overcast with a bitter wind in Seward. Towards evening the wind died down and I got the tent etc dried out. There is a nice public camp on the foreshore and it was full to bursting. There is a big tourist sightseeing system here and the thing to do is go halibut fishing. I settled for halibut and chips at a local cafe - nice fish
There really is a huge outdoor culture up here (Alaska) and as for Seward, I've been told "you wait till summer".
Front sprocket needs replacing - wished I had checked in Anchorage - though as it turned out it would have been no use since the Suzuki agent did not have one - this is KLR 650 and GS1200 territory. I've done 7,661km to date.