6 Jun
Froze to death last night – it is getting just a little to cold to camp comfortably. Not surprised really – the rivers are below 3 feet of snow and most water bodies are frozen. Lunch at Rika's Road House, a former ferry terminal over the Tanana River in Big Delta just north of Delta Junction. Also got my first glimpse of the oil pipeline. Headed north through Fairbanks, dinner at Fox with “Sinful Cindy”* and made it to Yukon River Camp on the Dalton hwy by 8 PM. YRC rough as guts - $99 for a room in a long barrack block with shared facilities and no TV. First crossing of the Yukon river - there would be many more before the trip ends. Mossies are real bad. 540km today.
* She is known locally by that name and has something of a reputation as a firebrand.