Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Only 500 miles to the next latte
The continental divide

9 Jun.
Foggy again this morning so delayed my departure till 10.30. Quite cold but fog lifted about 50 k down the road. By 2.30 PM I was on the south side of the continental divide and it was noticeably warmer. It sort of feels as if I've done the Dalton now that the trees are back but I am less than half way to Fairbanks. Stayed the night at Boreal Lodge in Wiseman and for $60 it was very nice. The residents confirmed that they built their house, generate their own electricity, heat the house via a huge wood burner and eat salmon and moose. And at -50 in the winter they dress 'appropriately'.
Have changed my itinerary. On local advice I will skip Central, Chena hot springs and a day in Denali. So I expect to be in Anchorage by the 12th to meet with Gavin's sister. I will add the Kenai peninsular instead.

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